Here is Reporters Without Borders with more bad news.
Has everyone forgotten or ignored the fact that during the Olympics the Uighers used tactics they have never used before (storming and bombing police stations, suicide bombers) at a higher frequency than ever before? The Uigher Islamists returned from Pakistan and Afghanistan with a renewed sense of vigor and the training to go with it. By crushing the populace under a repressive fist, China is playing into their hands (they being Al Qaeda-esqe radicals hoping to bring once chilled-out Uigher Muslims into their fold).
The US also played right into Al Qaeda's hands by attacking Iraq, curtailing freedoms at home and driving the economy into ruins by artificially keeping the natural course of capitalism (boom bust) at bay ...
Here and Here are two interesting stories on the China-India-Pakistan relationship. Neither of them take the Islamists very seriously ... are they still a threat?

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