there is so much to tell. first off, he is doing good. he eats regularly and A LOT and he poos yellowish green. so that's supposedly good. he sleeps pretty decently, maybe 2 hours or so between suckles and at night he gets in a good 3-5 hours. He has these little pimples, little white heads, on his forehead right between his eyes that drive me berserk. i use this salve on them and it works, they are much less than in the beginning, but they aren't gone. i know today is his second week and things go slowly, but it bothers me.
he chokes on the breastmilk sometimes and i have to burp the hell out of him, takes a while, but it usually works well and he ends up passing out on my shoulder.
he has about periods every day, just at dusk or after his bath or maybe when the noonday sun reaches in, when he is super curious and he stares about 2 inches above my head as if there were sprites teasing him there. he looks at everything and has a whole series of expressions.
his arms and legs are (abnormally?) strong, he can bust through most swaddling and i have to hold him down when he gets angry, when he wants out, when he wants to eat and when he otherwise want to kick and squirm his way into/out of something that I haven't really figured out yet.
every time he sneezes I think he has a cold. he sneezes a lot. stresses me out.
Yesterday he tried to kiss me. he leaned in real close and we looked at each other and i could feel his recognition, his appreciation his love and his inability to express it all and i felt his animalness and also the chaos beneath as all of these emotions were washed away suddenly by the flickering of lights on the wall.
my feelings for him are very simple, but hard for me to express or fathom. He is a part of it all, from now on, and that's basically it. It doesn't feel like the lightning flash some people talked about, or the One Consciousness Hippy Love that others gushed over. He just is and therefore I am ... a Father and Guardian.
There were two lil poems I wrote in the past couple of weeks and both of them were mystic and lofty. I wonder if they were the watershed moments of emotion that surround the daily burping, pooing, suckling, half-smiling, blurry-eyed reality of a two week old whose existence depends utterly on my ability to take care of him.

Sounds like everything's going well. I hope you keep your blog updated with photos!
"every time he sneezes I think he has a cold. he sneezes a lot. stresses me out."hah hah, I totally understand what you are talking about. When Lia was a little baby, his papa sometimes went to check if she's still breathing while asleep. I thought he was crazy. Every time she gets a little something, papa gets stressed, and asks me to bring her to a doctor. Me, I am a cool mother and I worry less. Babies are actually amazingly strong. Most breastfed babies don't get sick the first 6 months. Even when they do get a bit sick, usually the paediatrician won't give any medicin. We were told that a child before 5 (or 3?) years old, they have to get more than 30 types of germs, bacteria and virus, which strengthens their immune systems. You're doing great new papa, and I am quite proud of you. Jo
yeah i check to see if he is still breathing too ...
For some the feeling might come slower than the rest? I am sure your kid will read these and all water eyed when he is your age, having his own.
The kids @2wks look past you because they don't have good eye sight yet.
Congrats Papa. Hope life is treating you well.
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