just got off the horn with a one of my tribe's elders (hahaha) and it feels damn good. crazy shit is in the mix ... seems like we might all be on the west coast of the USA at some point. or Colombia. or maybe we'll have a powwow in South Africa with the Peer Brothers and Doc Possible. It could all happen. The connections between us used to surprise me when i was younger, now i know them for what they are: the fabric of livin.
or as the elder put it:
"souls in the cabinet"
spell yur name out foolz!
1 comment:
I´ll spell my name for ya:
F to the L to the O to the D to the E, yes you know me, Flode, the traveling Norwegian, the modern nomad, the one in my crew that put his name in more than 20 countries in four continents in the world. Loving life and living for Graffiti, A creative and free spirit, A Hip Hop and Buddhist missionary how open minds and free people from their closed belives " I cant do this", " its not posible"
The vagabond artist who can live for free by the use of his skills where ever he goes. FLODE From My Soul crew. Representing Oslo in my mission to paint the world.
But enough said. I tryed to vote on your " where should I live" but don t know how. Ching mai is nice, dont now so much about the others. But Cali Colombia is: La tierra de las hermosa y lind mujeres"
In other words Cali in south Colombia is the lnd of the amazing and beautiful ladies. Famous in Colombia and south america for this. Mybe you dont want to live here, but I would DEFENITLY REC OMEND a visit for a gentlemn like your self.
Peace and Love from Flode
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