Our last two days we camped on the south shore amidst lava flows frozen mid charge into the ocean. We had a protected site and the water was a perfect blue. Humpbacks blew and jumped in the distance and the setting sun was a reflection of the rising full moon. The queen of the night got a little tempestuous in the dead of the night and broke one of our tent stakes in half as me and Q held on for dear life. She calmed down as dawn settled in and we rose to watch Robert and his brother shore-cast for giant trevally. They caught a lobster and grilled him up for lunch.
So now I am back in the dungeon writing about shamans and hobos bout to take the little princess to school. She is showing me her baby clothes cuz she wishes she were still a baby.
Q has some pics and i'll post them as soon as he sends him.
Oh yeah. On our last day we chilled at the Grand Hyatt and I pretended to be a doctor fresh off of a trip to help children in SE Asia and Q was an Indian steel scion from
Bombay. People would ask us for our room number and I said: look for Qusai Kathawala and Q said look for Sascha Matuszak ...
but the event of the day was:
I was watching two little boys ages 6 and 4 swim in the little pool and they were pretty fun to watch. Saying all sorts of cool things; the older one swam from one rock to the other and was like: "here i am moving to my new spot, just settling into my new territory thats all ..."
i laughed and told their father he had cute boys. The younger one then jumped off the rock and landed in water two feet too deep for him and started flailing madly. He went under and only his curls and little nose and frightened eyes protruded above water. I stood and adrenaline pumped through me. His father was real calm and told the older one: "hey michael, go get your brother" but michael is 6 and 20 feet away and has no clue what's going on. The little one went under a few more times and I could see he was panicking and not going to make it out of the water. But dad just stood there and said all calm: "get to the rock son, just swim to the rock".
I ran through the water and went to pick the kid up, he looked up at me with desperation and reached out with a tiny hand. He weighed about 10lbs and i put him on the rock where he sputtered and cried. Dad looked annoyed and no one would look at me or the kid or the dad. About 10 people in the area and they all pretended not to have seen what went down. I am convinced that that kid would have drowned had I not ran in there.
These damn tourists are so dumb its crazy. In ten days on Kauai I read about 7 deaths. Two young men at the bottom of a waterfall and one old guy who drowned on a snorkeling trip in 10 feet of water. I don't think certain things register. Or maybe I am tripping. But after about five minutes I was so shook -- and its not even my kid -- that i said fuck the Hyatt and went to the airport.

Dude what are you tryin'
to say?
People drown by the dozens in their own fukkin' home towns, you just don't hear about it, or if you do it just doesn't register.
It not a matter of bein a "tourist".
It's a matter of people (men, boys, women, girls, whatever) thinkin they're stronger than the river or whatever it is they're jumpin in to.
That's all. I've seen VERY strong guys lose to mother nature. Get over it.
point taken. i was tryin to say that being dumb helps speed along the process and VERY strong guys who lose to mother nature don't seem necessarily dumb to me. I suppose we'd have to go through it in a case by case basis. Take Into the Wild for example, everyone in AK says he was a dumbass tourist and got what came to him. But i challenge anyone to live 100 days in the wilderness on nuts and berries. and kill a moose while yer at it. So perspective is indeed in order here.
and the Ber guy. He lived for months with bears and in his videos it is very clear that he had a special relatinship with them AND the foxes. He met a new bear that drove the nice bears off and then ate the man. the whole process actually shows how brilliant and groundbreaking his work really was. But most people just see a dumb tourist.
I wonder who the two guys a the bottom of the falls were now. Before i just said: dumbass tourist. You sound like you woke up in a gutter and found God.
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